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Hinds Lane Work Party Proposal
Work Party

Hinds Lane Work Party Proposal

The next work party  Is scheduled for Saturday the 17th of November 9;30am at Hinds lane .We will be tackling the following :-

Hinds Lane work party marked as “A”

1 General litter pick the area

2 scrub clearance to the rear of the feed as it enters the canal to allow access for and future weed boat entry into the canal . ( Hand tools initially possible strimmer use to maintain one cleared )

3  duckweed and reed management ( Partial removal to prevent silt build up )

4 removal of any plant growth with the potential to cause damage I.E.  Saplings in the canal banking / stonework that if left would damage the structure of the canal.

The more that help the more we can get done . Remember to put the date in your calendar

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